I'm here writing in British Columbia!
Last month has been a blur of packing and unpacking, arranging then rearranging stuff, and collapsing on the sofa to zone out in front of a movie. Don't ask me what I watched - I usually fell asleep for at least part of each.
I flew out to attend the new place's walkthrough, which is part of the finalizing of the build. My son-in-law went with me. Only 2 people were allowed, so he stood in for hubby. Son-in-law was EXCELLENT! He's a builder and noticed so many things that they needed to tweak. Some were minor, some not-so-minor. All the 'deficiencies' noted were recorded by the building representative. They have one year to address each one. They're already getting through some of the items. :)

Offspring and her husband let me live in their place for a week until my move-in date. During that time, the movers loaded up all our Ontario things - furniture and a ton of taped-up boxes. About 2 weeks later, they arrived at the new place. (They came around 11, but I'd been waiting - like a kid watching for Santa - since 7!) After they unloaded trip after trip of boxes and furniture, I armed myself with a knife and slashed open very box. Eventually, slowly, in a willy-nilly way, I unpacked and found spaces for all our stuff. Only a few boxes went right into the storage locker - mainly winter sports stuff.

Since I arrived out west, the weather has been sunny and warm (at times, blistering hot!). I've been out walking - mainly around the neighbourhoods - or biking. There are a ton of bike trails and beautiful routes in this city.

I now feel settled yet lonely, with hubby and dogs far away. But daughter has been helpful and upbeat, and her husband's family has been VERY welcoming. Yesterday I joined in a monthly ritual of a polar bear dip with a group of offspring's mother-in-law's friends. They've been doing this for years, brave souls. In the winter, they dip in the ocean, but yesterday it was in the Lynn River. Still cold, but probably not as cold as the ocean.
Offspring's aunt-in-law took me kayaking and lent me a car. Ever so generous! I had it for about a week and it helped a ton! Last week, aunt-in-law, her cousin and I were going to go kayaking again, but on my way to pick up the kayak, the car I was driving was hit.
The other driver and I were uninjured. Her car's front grill was damaged; the car I was in had a smashed rear side. And, boy, was I freaked out. It happened so fast. Yes, I know that's what everyone says, and it's definitely true. And alarming. I've been driving for many many years and have never been the driver in an accident. So much for a perfect driving score.
After a day of moping around, I shook it off. No one was hurt. Everything is covered by Insurance.
Move on, Karen.
Since then, things have quieted down. I've been

applying for jobs, but I suspect hiring managers see my extensive experience and turn to younger applicants. But I'm staying positive and hopeful. It's a big ocean of jobs out there so who knows. Something may turn up!
So that's my update. I'll try to get back into a regular schedule of posting so you can keep up with my thoughts and adventures. I'll hope to keep them less jarring than the car crash. Stay safe on the roads - there's crazy drivers all around.
“Extensive experience” gave me a chuckle. Is that the politically correct euphemism for too old?
Very glad only the cars were hurt.